School Uniform

The school colour is green and the items are listed below. The only branded item we ask you to buy is the school jumper, available from our supplier: Price and Buckland. Other items can be bought from Price and Buckland (if buying a shirt with a school badge) or any other store. The KS2 PE kit can be bought from the school (if branded) or any other shop. All other items can be purchased online (from Price and Buckland) or from any other shop or supermarket. The branded polo shirt is optional. No item of uniform is gender specific.
School uniform list
Sweatshirts or cardigans: Dark green with school badge
Shirts: White - short sleeved `polo' style – either branded or plain
Skirt or Pinafore dress or trousers: Grey (not black - skirts should be pleated)
Shorts or trousers: Grey, uniform style
Tights: Grey
Socks: White/grey knee or ankle (not sports style)
Shoes or closed toed sandals: Black lace up/velcro/buckle (no pumps/trainers/boots)
Green check pattern summer dresses can be worn in warmer weather.
Children need a Waterproof Mac (for example Pac-A-Mac) or coat all year round.
PE Kit (Early Years and Key Stage 1) – available from Price and Buckland or any other shop if unbranded.
Shorts - Black
T-shirt - White - St James' Logo or plain
Plimsolls - Black
PE Kit (Key Stage 2) – available from the school office if branded (t-shirt) or either the school office or any other shop if unbranded.
Shorts - black
T-shirt - green - St James (parents have the option to buy a plain green polo shirt).
Tracksuit top - green - St James (optional)
Tracksuit bottoms – black (optional)
Trainers – outside
Parents are requested to provide a drawstring PE / shoe bag to be hung on a coat peg.
The price of items of uniform available via the school or Price and Buckland will be available via the school website. The school are not permitted to profit from the sale of items of uniform.
Swimming (Key Stage 2 only)
Swimming costume (no bikini's) or swimming trunks (no shorts)
Swimming hat
School Bags, Coats, Hats and Accessories
School bags - Either a non-uniform bag or a School Bag purchased from the School office.
Coats / Hats - Own or school coat/hats purchased from Price and Buckland
Hair Accessories - Small green or green/white/black uniform style band.
Earrings - small plain gold/silver studs. These must be able to be removed for PE.
Uniform can be purchased online at (except PE kit)
All articles of clothing should be marked clearly with the child's name.
All of the personal property that children bring to school remains the responsibility of the child or his or her parents. The school insurance does not cover pupils' possessions whilst on the school site.