School results and performance tables

All of these outcomes are provisional until the data is verified by the DfE.

Key Stage 2 outcomes are based on externally marked tests, sat in exam conditions, in all subjects except writing, which is teacher assessed and then moderated by an external moderator allocated by the local authority.  National average figures (provisional) have been published by the DfE for Key Stage 2 results so we have included them for comparison.

Key Stage 1 outcomes are based on a combination of tests and teacher assessments, with teacher assessment taking priority.

Phonics outcomes are based on a phonics test which each child sits individually with their teacher.

If you wish to access the government's school performance tables and school benchmarking, you can do so by following this link.


Key Stage 2 outcomes 2024 (provisional)

  Expected level Greater depth National average (expected level)
Reading 90% 47% 74%
Grammar, punctuation and spelling 80% 27% 72%
Writing 90% 19% 72%
Maths 82% 24% 73%
Combined Reading Writing and Maths 72% 10% 61%
Reading average point score 108.7 n/a 105
GPS average point score 105.6 n/a 105
Maths average point score 105.7 n/a 104


Key Stage 1 outcomes 2024 

  Expected level Greater depth National average (expected level)
Reading  75% 30% 71%
Writing 66% 10% 62%
Maths 79% 18% 71%
Phonics Year 1 83% n/a 80%
Phonics Year 2 88% n/a 91%