School lunches

School lunches are cooked on the school premises by Harrison Catering.

They can be contacted at the following address:



Dietary Requirements and Allergy Information

If your child has a specific requirement or has a food related allergy, please inform the school office immediately, and complete the allergen request form


Free School Meals

If you receive certain benefits, you may be eligible to claim free meals for your child(ren) under the Free School meals Scheme (FSM). Even though your child is in KS1 and already receives free meals, the school is allocated extra funding to help your child with other learning opportunities. Please click on the page for Free School Meals for more information.


Universal Free School Meals

From September 2014 the Government pledged funding to all schools in England to provide every pupil in Reception and Years 1 & 2 with a hot, healthy and nutritious meal at lunchtime under the Universal Free School Meal Scheme (UFSM).


Payment Methods

School lunches are £2.65 for Years 3 to 6.

Meals must be paid for via your Parentmail account. Pupils need to tell their teacher on the day if they would like a school meal.  Lunches need to be paid for in advance and the children will receive a reduced menu if the parent falls into arrears.  Parents should contact Harrison's as soon as possible if they have any difficulty in paying.

Packed Lunches

Facilities are available in KS1 and KS2 for pupils to eat their own packed lunches. The bag/box and water bottle must be named and not include fizzy /energy drinks, nuts or products made with nuts. Please do not use peanut butter/chocolate/hazelnut spread as any part of your child's lunch.