
Rex - for having a go at writing a sentence about his Christmas present.

Brodie - for having a go during phonics and trying really hard to write words.


Joseph - for having a go writing a sentence independently.

Bella - for having a go at creating a collage.


Ezra - for having a go at making a book using his sounds to write words.

Tommy - for having a go at writing his name.

Chestnut Ruby - for having a go at working hard in maths.
Beech Benji - for concentrating hard to improve his handwriting.
Ash Henry - for having a go at any challenge and so enthusiastically he was completing them twice!
Squirrel Alex - for concentrating really well in maths and maintaining a good focus.
Hedgehog Sophie - for cooperating and supporting peers. Sophie is such a good team member.
Rabbit Esme - for concentrating and being focused in all of her activities.