
Stefan - for concentrating when writing about farm animals.

Oscar - for having a go at trying new activities and making a lovely collage of a pig.


Oscar and Ahil - for cooperating with a partner to order numbers correctly to 20.

Jack - for having a go at writing and trying really hard.

Oak Eddie - having a go in PE to dribble a ball with a hockey stick.
Ash Grace - for improving and putting more detail into her writing and extending how much she produces.
Chestnut  Naomi - for enjoying her learning an always being so enthusiastic especially in maths.
Beech Usman - for concentrating on his observational drawing of plants and flowers.
Hedgehog Stanley - for having a go on working really hard on his hand writing and attitude towards his learning.
Squirrel Mirha - for enjoying learning in everything and also showing fantastic presentation in maths.

Nicholas - for concentrating in English and writing facts about rainforests.

Primrose - for keeping improving her artwork and making realistic representations.
